Why its okay to like weird music – Part 3

Have you ever wondered what someone from 1940 would think of the present? The popular music alone would make our time travelling friend mad with wonder. It’s perfectly normal to think that I can record a video of myself and send it to the other side of the world within a day (maybe being a little optimistic about South African internet speeds) but 75 years ago this would be deemed near impossible/downright weird. We can see a very thin line between innovation and craziness in the world of weird things.

It’s plain to see that those who innovated were alienated/just plain ignored. AC inventor Nicola Tesla was literally driven to madness by everyone’s refusal to see his brilliance. Bach was only recognised as a composer after he died. So if people look at you like you’re an alien it’s probably because you’re ahead of the times… or you’re trying to bring back heelys and it’s not working out.

Weirdness is a grey area with a minefield of “no! just no, dude” on top of “I heard it before it was cool/in the latest FIFA sound track”. Prepare to be shunned, pseudo-hipsters. Stay strong and please try to avoid the “before it was cool” line. You’ll just sound like a sore loser trying to keep cool shit to yourself. We love you for enduring the weirdness war zone for us though. At least I do anyway…