How to politely tell someone you don’t like their music.

*disclaimer* If someone plays you music by Pitbull you are allowed to tell them to fuck off. Okay? Sweet, here we go…

Resist the urge to fully explain why your soul shrivels every time to hear said song/artist/’unfinished production’.

Even if it’s a lie/half-truth; tell the person what you like about it. Avoid making the half-ass compliment into a disguised insult.
Wrong: “I like how you made that guitar sound so dissonant, dude…. OH that’s just your playing style… right.”
Right: “I like that one sound that happened just there” (when in doubt use ambiguity)

Then drop the hint that you’re not into it. Be gentle.
Wrong: “Dude this song makes me feel like Mugabe is taking a dump in my ear.”
Right: “This isn’t really my style hey.”

If they try and show you another song in the same style to try and convert you, humour them. A quality of one who has taste in music is one who listens objectively. If someone tries to get you into Beck and you hate him because they showed you a song from ‘Stereopathic Soulmanure’ you missed out, man.

After you have been shown the music you now want to avoid forever, you can stop the aural torture by requesting to show your weird/commercially brainwashed friend some music that you like. It’s only fair.


Breakup music – Happy or Sad?

All clichés, things, relationships, holidays, tours and lives come to an end. Even your favourite song has to end. The beauty of music is that it can be played again… and again… and again… and again… until you realise you’ve been listening to the same soppy, nostalgic refrain for a day/week/month. I’ve noticed how utterly different it is listening to music in a new state of mind. Your favourite happy song can become annoying, Eagles Of Death Metal turns innocent (sexual frustration ain’t nothin’ but a thang), your Like Clockwork album doesn’t seem as dark as it was initially and it starts describing your entire being. At least that’s how I think of it.

I feel like it’s important to embrace the emotion that amplifies your musical experience. If your favourite song starts speaking loudly to your heart/mindset it means you’re getting clues about where your head is at. Sometimes it’s the only way I know there is something truly wrong or right going on in my mind. More importantly, it makes me feel alive and coherent. The music that hits home hardest is like an emotional intelligence boost. If I feel sad or angry I would much rather have a clear understanding of where those emotions come from. Instead of stumbling around blind and alone in the emotionally dark places that we all inevitably find ourselves in, we can find a friend and a guide in the music that feeds off our emotion. It shines a harsh light on the problems you’re avoiding and forces you to start accepting reality and deal with the problem. The best part about accepting reality is moving forward to the place where happier music starts driving you and inspiring you again.

So what music should you listen to when you’re newly single? It depends on how you feel about it. Just don’t be scared of the music that shows you where you went wrong. Embrace the catharsis, identify with your favourite artist and let the music flow even when it harmonises with your adversity.

With that said, here’s some blues for your Monday. Enjoy your week, lovers.

/V\odesto – I know it’s gonna happen

Call it friendship bias but I think this song is the shit. It sounds a little like Beck except Evert isn’t a Scientologist (sorry for reminding you, Beck fans). I only put it in ‘Weird Wednesdays’ because yall’ mahfuckers need culture. Don’t get it? Oh well.

Radio Moscow – Broke Down

Your monday blues will be vanquished by the trippy sounds of Radio Moscow today. This Psych Rock outfit really has their sound going for them 100%. You can really hear the performance elements of the music in their recordings. It’s like listening to them live in your living room. It’s probably because they’re an artist coming from Alive Naturalsound, a group that has recorded the raw sounds of early Black Keys songs. Enjoy, day trippers.

Black Panda – Koi Child

Hip Hop and Rap has always captured my attention when the drumming sounds live. The live rhythmic elements make drummers everywhere want to sit down and play a groove that lives in the pocket like a hermit. This new track by Koi Child is on a level of arrangement that makes what starts out as a decent hip hop song into a musical journey that almost ends too soon. This is the prefect way to start your long weekend. Enjoy your SOTD, friends.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra – Can’t Keep Checking My Phone

Oh man this SOTD is funky. People in my office are hearing it only because my chair is squeaky and I cant keep still while listening to it in my headphones. The grove permeates through all the instruments and vocals instead of relying on only the rhythm section. Unknown Mortal Orchestra are new to me but they have three albums already and have received acclaim from the likes of Pitchfork for their great Psychedelic  sounds. ‘Scuse me while I dive into some new ear candy. Enjoy your SOTD, lovers. <3

Between Zero and One with Jojo Mayer

Anyone who’s a drumming fundi will know who Jojo Mayer is. He’s the drummer for that trippy band Nerve which pretty much rides on his insane chops. Between Zero and One is a short film inspired by his TEDX talk. To be honest, he says a lot of nothing in this video. The idea he starts conveying sounds like it has potential but he never really elaborates on what this place between the binary yes and no means. The idea is a lot more romantic to music purists who can project their own meaning on the idea. Which is why I was drawn in by the video. The main reason I kept watching was the drumming performance. He’s a machine. Anyone can appreciate those chops. Damn. I need to go practice.