
Tame Impala – Let It Happen

Let It Happen‘ has to be my highlight of the month. This song has it all. It seems like everything that Kevin Parker touches turns to psychedelic gold. The song is 8 mins long but I wish it kept going. New sounds just keep jumping on the funky train; the beautiful drum groove that sounds like it was mixed by the gods. My levels of cant-even-wait for-the-new-Tame-Impala-album have increased 100 fold. Enjoy your song of the day, lovers.

Download this song for free! 

In No Time (Alternate Version) – Mute Math

Mute Math are just so amazing in literally every aspect of their music. From production value in the studio to the aural and visual explosion of their live performances. They are definitely on my wish list of bands to come to South Africa (DO IT, OPPI).
Todays ‘Song Of The Day’ is a version of ‘In No Time’ that didn’t make it on to the Odd Soul album. It’s beautiful and I honestly don’t know how they chose between it and the original version.