
Tame Impala – Let It Happen

Let It Happen‘ has to be my highlight of the month. This song has it all. It seems like everything that Kevin Parker touches turns to psychedelic gold. The song is 8 mins long but I wish it kept going. New sounds just keep jumping on the funky train; the beautiful drum groove that sounds like it was mixed by the gods. My levels of cant-even-wait for-the-new-Tame-Impala-album have increased 100 fold. Enjoy your song of the day, lovers.

Download this song for free! 

Tycho – Awake

This album is best heard through headphones or some decent monitor speakers. Listen and you will hear so many great subtleties with top notch production value. It’s no surprise his name is appearing in many of the major festivals of late. When listening to this artist one gets a feeling of utter control. Nothing you hear is out of place even as the sounds move around in your spacial perception so vividly. After all this sonic experience there’s still the great design of his covers. Tycho is definitely an artful experience.