Why its okay to like weird music

Free Man In Paris (Joni Mitchell cover) – Sufjan Stevens

Today’s weekly weirdness comes from an artist that never fails to confuse, amaze and disgust me at the same time. Sufjan Stevens gives no fucks about what you like in music. He just writes or performs whatever he wants. Today’s song is one of his many diamonds in his rough collection of artistry. Be prepared for many uncomfortable and challenging approaches to music if you get this guy’s discography.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a cover of much higher standards than the original song (sorry Joni fans). Turn it up and shut the fuck up because this song is dynamic, well performed and beautifully arranged.

In No Time (Alternate Version) – Mute Math

Mute Math are just so amazing in literally every aspect of their music. From production value in the studio to the aural and visual explosion of their live performances. They are definitely on my wish list of bands to come to South Africa (DO IT, OPPI).
Todays ‘Song Of The Day’ is a version of ‘In No Time’ that didn’t make it on to the Odd Soul album. It’s beautiful and I honestly don’t know how they chose between it and the original version.

Why it’s okay to like weird music. – Part 1

I’m one of those assholes that judge you based on your taste in music. I’m not sorry. I just happen to notice that people I don’t like also listen to specific kinds of music. Don’t blame me for overgeneralizing. Clichés exist for a reason. This is not to say that I can’t appreciate the music that is played in circles I would prefer to stay out of. I just don’t like being around people who are so dedicated to a specific kind of music that they completely disregard all the other music out there.

What I’m trying to say is that I am driven away by a lack of taste in music. If someone likes EDM I’m cool with that. I’m not a huge fan of overly compressed 4/4 with 2 note melodies and a grossly overstated DJ but there are also people who actually put effort into their music which somehow ends up in that genre. If someone only likes EDM and discounts more sophisticated music because it’s ‘boring’ (and requires actually sitting and listening instead of jumping around a lumo decorated room) then I might think they’re an idiot. Sorry, not sorry


I tried to DJ in a corporate environment when I worked for a DJ hire company and I hated every minute of it. As a musician who is used to having a say in what music is to be played, it’s tough to look excited and drive a party when you have to listen to someone who requests songs that make you want to die inside. I now know the only legitimate reason for a DJ to charge a heavy fee. Sorry, folks, but when I’m in charge of music and getting paid for it I’m not your damn jukebox of overplayed horseshit.

…..to be continued…..