Ten times you should stop listening to electro/hardstyle/jockpop.

1. When you don’t want a girlfriend that has implants, dead orange hair and an affinity for abusing ritalin.

2.  When you’re tired of waiting for the damn song to drop.

3. When the DJ has forgotten to pretend to do something because he’s had his hands bouncing up and down like a lumo preacher for the last 30 minutes.

4. When you want to hear acoustic instruments.

5. When you’re sober.

6. When you suspect your repeat button was on but it wasn’t.

7. When you’re playing music from phone speakers. (That said, don’t do it with any music. Seriously, dude. Just hum or something).

8. When a cop pulls you over.

9. When your ears ring with a side chain compression dip going 120BPM.

10. When you have to ask who The Black Keys are.